Interpreting Houses in Synastry

  1. Astrological compatibility
  2. Synastry compatibility
  3. Interpreting houses in synastry

Have you ever wondered why some relationships are so successful and others are not? Astrology has the answer! By understanding how the planets, signs, and houses in synastry interact, you can better understand the dynamics of your relationships and how to make them stronger. Interpreting houses in synastry is the key to unlocking the secrets of your relationships and finding true love. Synastry is an ancient form of astrology that looks at how two people's charts interact with each other. By looking at the planets, signs, and houses in synastry, astrologers can gain insight into how two people interact, their potential for compatibility, and any potential challenges they may face. Interpreting houses in synastry can also help you identify relationship patterns that need to be worked on and strengths that can be built upon. In this article, we'll delve into the basics of synastry and explore how to interpret houses in synastry.

We'll cover how to read a birth chart and look at which houses are important for understanding relationships. Finally, we'll look at some examples of how to interpret houses in synastry and what they mean for your relationships. Houses in synastry is a way to determine the astrological compatibility between two individuals. By looking at the positions of the planets in both birth charts, one can gain insight into the relationship dynamic between two people and the potential future of their relationship. In this article, we will explore what synastry houses mean, how to interpret them, and what they tell us about a relationship. The most commonly used house system in synastry is called Placidus, which uses a mathematical formula to calculate where the planets were located when an individual was born.

This is done by looking at the positions of the planets in each person’s birth chart, which are then compared against one another. The most important aspects of synastry include:Angular houses: These are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses, which represent the core of a relationship and show how two people interact with one another.

Succedent houses

: These are the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses, which reveal how two people feel about each other and what kind of emotional connection they share.

Cadent houses

: These are the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses, which show how two people communicate and understand each other on a deeper level. When interpreting houses in synastry, it’s important to consider both positive and negative aspects. For example, if two people have their Sun in the same house, this could indicate that they have a strong connection and share similar values. On the other hand, if two people have their Mars in the same house, this could indicate that they are prone to conflict and misunderstandings.

It’s also important to note that no two relationships are alike and that synastry houses should be interpreted on a case-by-case basis. For example, if two people have their Sun in the same house but one person has their Moon in the 7th house while the other has their Moon in the 8th house, this could indicate that there is a power imbalance between them. Finally, it’s important to remember that synastry houses can provide insight into a relationship but they cannot predict its future. Relationships are complex and require effort from both parties in order to succeed.

Cadent Houses

Cadent houses show how two people communicate and understand each other on a deeper level. In synastry, these houses represent areas of the relationship where the two parties can learn from each other and grow together.

The Cadent houses are the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh houses. These houses are associated with learning, communication and understanding. The fourth house represents domestic life and the home. It is associated with family, heritage and roots.

The fifth house is associated with creativity, fun and romance. It shows how two people can come together to create something new and exciting. The sixth house is associated with work, service and health. It shows how two people can collaborate on tasks and support each other's health.

The seventh house is associated with partnerships, contracts and commitments. It shows how two people can come together to build a strong and lasting relationship. The eighth house is associated with death, transformation and secrets. It shows how two people can work together to confront difficult issues and understand each other on a deeper level.

The ninth house is associated with travel, higher education and spiritual exploration. It shows how two people can explore the world together and learn more about themselves. The tenth house is associated with career, authority and reputation. It shows how two people can work together to build a successful future.

The eleventh house is associated with friendships, hopes and dreams. It shows how two people can come together to share their hopes for the future.

Angular Houses

Angular houses are the four corners of the chart, also known as the cardinal houses, and include the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house. These houses represent the core of a relationship and show how two people interact with one another. When looking at a synastry chart, one should focus on the angular houses first, as they can give insight into the dynamics between two people.

The 1st house represents the self and how one person in a relationship sees themselves. It can also indicate how one approaches life and relationships. The 4th house is associated with home and family life and can reveal how each partner interacts with their family. The 7th house symbolizes committed relationships, such as marriage or partnerships, and can show how two people work together as a couple.

Finally, the 10th house is associated with career and ambition and indicates how each person's professional and public life will affect the relationship. When interpreting the angular houses in synastry, one should consider the planets that are placed in those houses as well as their aspects to each other. If there are any difficult aspects between planets in angular houses, it may signify tension in the relationship. However, if there are harmonious aspects between angular house planets, this can show that two people have a strong connection and can work together well.

Succedent Houses

The succedent houses in synastry reveal how two people feel about each other and the emotional connection they share.

Succedent houses are the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses of a birth chart. These houses represent the areas of life where we are most likely to feel secure and comfortable, and they show where we are able to express our feelings, desires, and needs. The planets that occupy these houses in both birth charts indicate how two people relate to one another on an emotional level. The second house in a birth chart is associated with our sense of self-worth and personal values, which can affect how we interact with our partner. The fifth house shows how we express our love and passion, while the eighth house illustrates the depth of the bond between two people.

Finally, the eleventh house indicates how two individuals can work together and support each other in achieving their goals. Interpreting the positions of planets in these four houses can give us insight into the relationship dynamic between two people. For example, if planets from one person’s second house are positioned in the other person’s fifth house, this could indicate that both individuals feel a strong emotional connection and share a mutual understanding of each other’s values. On the other hand, if there are no planets in either person’s succedent houses, this could signify that there is a lack of emotional intimacy or connection between them. Interpreting houses in synastry is an effective way to gain insight into the astrological compatibility between two individuals. By looking at the positions of the planets in both birth charts, one can get a better understanding of how two people interact with one another and what kind of potential their relationship has.

Angular Houses, Succedent Houses, and Cadent Houses all provide useful information when it comes to interpreting houses in synastry. However, it’s important to remember that no two relationships are alike and that synastry houses should be interpreted on a case-by-case basis.

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